Hoe heb je je afspraakje ervaren?

Ben jij de gelukkige die een afspraakje had? Heb je iemand ontmoet via onze website? Ben je zo gelukkig met hoe de ontmoeting verliep dat je het met ons wilt delen? Laat ons dan jouw ervaringen weten. Mensen hebben er veel vragen over. Ze willen graag weten hoe het ging. Hoe was bijvoorbeeld het eerste contact? Wat was je eerste indruk? Hoe ging de ontmoeting? Ging het allemaal gemakkelijk? Voldeed het aan je verwachtingen? Hoe voelde het? Wat maakte je blij? Hoe gaat het verder? En de vele andere vragen die mensen hebben. Deel alsjeblieft je verhalen, want mensen houden ervan om ze te horen. Mensen willen graag horen dat het mogelijk is om iemand te ontmoeten en ze kunnen ook leren van jouw ervaringen. Je kan hieronder je ervaringen schrijven, en we danken je bij voorbaat om ze met ons te delen. We wensen jullie allen jullie significante ander toe.

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  • Geplaatst 59 maanden geleden
My experiences with Julia were incredible. She was amazing. We had a fantastic time together. I met her in Kyiv for the first time. And then for a long weekend in Vienna and then somewhere in May in Kyiv again. Julia is by far the most spectacular woman (visually) I have ever met. We had a crazy physical attraction to each other. We chatted for hours and every day for months. I was definitely a little bit in love. I had a strong feeling that I wanted to strengthen the relationship with her and we were planning that she would visit me in my country, but I also had my realistic glasses on, as we say in my country. To be honest, Julia was a little bit too much for me. I mean in her lifestyle and expectations. She is a real princess (e.g. model and Miss Ukraine World years ago) and married a year ago but is divorced from a leading prosecutor (justice) in Kyiv. In reality, I didn't see her adjusting her 'princess lifestyle' to the best I could give her. But more importantly, it was clear that she wanted more children in addition to her current 6-year-old son. This is no longer an option for me with 2 sons aged 16 and 19. A bit of an upside-down world perhaps than most stories you will read. Not one Chanel handbag in her closet in her apartment but about ten and then the Dior's, etc... I'm sure you can fill in the details. I'm sure we will be seeing each other again soon as friends. We still respect each other a lot.

To the agency, I want to say: Thank you for the possibility of contacting her through your site. Keep up the good work, you are doing a great job bringing people together. I'm ever grateful for your site and for giving me this opportunity...
Sincerely, Chris


  • Geplaatst 78 maanden geleden
Доброго дня!
Давненько на цьому сайте, але поки що ні з ким навіть не спілкувалася. Більшість чоловіків, мабуть, вважають, що жінка близько 60 - старенька, хоча самі того ж віку і виглядають не найкращим чином. Жінки, котрі дбають про свою зовнішність, завжди красиві і привабливі...
Я дуже рада за україночок, котрі змогли знайти тут своє кохання!!! Усе - в наших руках!!!

Good afternoon!
I've been on this site for a long time, but so far I have not even talked to anyone. Apparently, most men believe that if a woman is about 60 years old, then she is old, although a men look not the best way in the same age as a women. Women who care about their looks are always beautiful and attractive ...
I am very happy for the Ukrainian women who could find their love here!!! Everything is in our hands!!!


  • Geplaatst 86 maanden geleden
Добрый день! Прочитала отзывы здесь, немного удивлена, и очень счастлива одновременно. Потому как я встретила здесь замечательного мужчину и очень счастлива с ним. Мы переписывались совсем мало, где-то месяц, после встретились и сейчас очень счастливы вместе. Спасибо сайту, что мы нашли друг друга здесь.

Good afternoon! I read the reviews here, I am a little surprised and very happy at the same time. Because I met a wonderful man here and very happy with him. We did not correspond much, about one month, then we had a meeting and we are very happy together now. Thanks to the site that we found each other here.

Admin - Agency

  • Geplaatst 86 maanden geleden
Hello Marina, Sorry to hear that you had a disappointing meeting. And that it wasn't as romantic as your correspondence. Video chats might have avoid unexpected surprises, because it is more real. Of course, women need to be treated with respect at all times. I can advise also our introduction meeting, we are there then to help. We can try to avoid cultural differences and we can help with interpreting, it can avoid miscommunication. We are always there to support men and women with our services. We will also keep informing men and women about differences in culture, traditions and in mentality, which can help to bring women from Eastern Europe and foreign men closer to each other and to have a better understanding of each other. You need to have also luck to find the one. I wish you anyway success in your search, and I hope you will find him one day, no matter where, most important that you will find him. Do not loose hope and keep trying, it is worth it. I believe there is always somebody for someone somewhere, you need only to find that person. Ronald of the agency


  • Geplaatst 86 maanden geleden
Добрый день я 3 месяца переписывалась с мужчиной почти каждый день , это было похоже на романтические и серьезные отношения, и вот он приехал на 1,5 дня на интим, я была в шоке, а он еще обиделся и заблокировал меня .Девочки они так о нас думают, что за ресторан и флакон духов мы готовы на все, уважайте и цените себя.

Good afternoon, I corresponded with a man almost every day during 3 months, it was like a romantic and serious relationship, and then he came for 1.5 days for sex, I was in shock, besides, he took offense at me and blocked me. Dear girls, they think that for a restaurant and a bottle of perfume we are ready for anything, respect and appreciate yourself.
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