Meet many women on our dating trip to Ukraine

Are you looking for a fun, tender, caring and beautiful woman for a warm and loving relationship? 

Imagine… how nice would it be to go and meet women in Kiev, Ukraine, to obtain this? 

And how valuable could it be for you if you would do this under the guidance of some experienced people? Does this sound like something you might be interested in? 

Then join us on our Dating Trip to Kiev!

This will be a fully guided and extremely valuable trip of five days!

You will get the opportunity to meet many ladies in a comfortable atmosphere, enter into interactions, plan dates and…who knows, it might be the start of something beautiful between you and a gorgeous Ukrainian lady…

Yes! I want to go to Kiev, what now?

When you notify us that you want to come, and you have secured your place, then you receive the following:

  • As kick off, you get some very important webinars as preparation for your trip!
    Ronald and Aleksandra will share the utmost important information with you, which will contribute to a larger success in Kiev. In that way your experience will be completely maximized.
  • You receive immediately and completely for free hundred credits!
    You can use these to write with the ladies on our website. In this way, you will be able to become acquainted on beforehand and can let them know you’ll be coming. Like this, you will get more value from your time in Kiev and the meetings with the ladies.
  • Dating eventThrough the matching, your chances will be multiplied!
    Previous to your trip, you give us your list of favorite ladies. We approach these ladies and invite those to the dating evenings who liked your profile. Because of this, you will meet ladies during the trip with which you have a higher chance of succeeding. If these ladies live far from Kiev, this is not a problem, because we will take care of their train tickets and overnight accommodation.
  • Taxi transfers from and to Kiev airport!
    You will not have to worry about finding and paying a taxi driver or explaining where he has to drive you. All this will be taken care of. Your driver will be waiting for you in the arrivals hall!
  • Stay in a comfortable hotel in the heart of Kiev!
    Based on 4 nights, breakfast included!
  • You will be personally coached by Ronald and his team!
    You will get practical and important advice which will contribute to a pleasant journey and stay. Hence, you will not encounter the frequent obstacles and will be able to fully enjoy the contact with the Ukrainian ladies of your choice.
  • Reception and briefing after arrival at the hotel!
    We will dedicate the evening of arrival to go through the program with you and to notify you about some important “titbits”.
  • Extremely valuable Workshops!
    This is a unique part since we are worldwide the only one who offer this to their guests. We will be present on location to share important information with you. Our knowledge about the differences in culturally specific “dating etiquette” will prove very powerful. We will also see to it that you make the most of your time in Kiev.
  • Dating eventTwo especially organized dating evenings!
    You will meet many ladies from our agency. Thanks to the presence of interpreters you will be able to communicate without obstructions with the many ladies present.
  • 1 on 1 dating during your stay!
    You will of course date with the women you meet during the dating evenings in order to get to know each other better.
  • Meet more ladies!
    And as a bonus, you can meet the ladies from our agency who will come to our specially organized photo shoot that weekend and who want to meet the men of this dating trip. We want to offer the opportunity so that you can get acquainted with each other while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee.
  • Explore the city under guidance!
    Visiting cultural places of interest and suitable nightlife. These and other activities will offer you a very welcome addition to the program.
  • A photo shoot with a skilled photographer!
    How great would it be to have some good and beautiful pictures of yourself? You can use the photos for your profile on the website, for example, or for other purposes.
  • Hanging out with a group of like-minded men!
    During an experience as this one, you will make new friends. You will share your experiences with them, undertake activities together and have a lot of fun.
  • A final dinner!
    On Sunday evening a farewell dinner for the participants and our team. You can invite your favorite lady for this dinner.

In short, this will be an experience you will never forget!

Decide right away you will make use of this unique opportunity and subsequently take action! In the meantime, we have given some hints to the ladies that we will be organizing this trip, and their reactions were truly overwhelming and enormously positive! The ladies are really looking forward to meeting you!

Where and when will this dating trip take place?

It will be held in Kiev, Ukraine. We want to plan this trip of five days in June. It is possible to extend your stay, we can arrange that for you.

Who organizes and guides this dating trip

We, as dating agency Dating Women Ukraine, will organize this trip. We will provide a qualitative and valuable program during this trip. More information about our dating agency can be found on our pages: ‘Our dating agency’, ‘About us’ and ‘Our agent in Ukraine’.

About the women, you're going to meet

Dating eventAny lady who registers on our website gets standard an interview with the representative of our agency. The women of our agency have in common that they are sincerely looking for a man with whom they can have a serious relationship. These women highly value a meeting with a man. Hence, they have responded very enthusiastic to visit our dating evenings. You have now the opportunity to meet them in a pleasant way and in the right setting. You can have also influence on who is coming, because you can invite ladies on our website to come to the dating evenings.

You will stay in the following hotel

You will stay in a comfortable accommodation with free Wi-Fi and a 24-hour reception. It is a hotel of quality and is situated at an ideal location. The stay includes breakfast. You will be assigned the ‘Comfort’ double room, this is a middle-class room in this hotel. And based on your staying alone in this room, you do not have to share your room with someone else. If you do wish to share a room with two persons, this would be possible as well and would give you a corresponding discount on your travel price.

The booking of your airline tickets

We recommend you not to wait too long to book your airline tickets. Because, as time progresses, the tickets can become more expensive and the choice more limited. The expenses of booking your airline tickets are on your own account. We can assist and advise you when you book them, so you can make a good choice.

All information at a glance

To give you a good overview and to show you how valuable this trip could be for you if you participate.

What is included in the dating trip:
• As preparation for your trip, two webinars from Ronald and Aleksandra
• 100 credits for the communication with ladies on our website
• Through the matching ladies are invited to the dating evenings
• For the ladies who come from far, we take care of their train tickets and overnight accommodation
• Transfers from and to Kiev airport
• Stay in a comfortable hotel in the heart of Kiev. Based on 4 nights, breakfast included
• Two especially organized dating evenings
• Having 1 on 1 dates with ladies of the dating evenings
• Meeting ladies who will come to our organized photoshoot
• Guidance from our team during your trip
• Workshops of our team, which will get the best out of your dating with Ukrainian women
• A photo shoot with a skilled photographer
• Visits of places of interest and other activities
• A farewell dinner for which you can invite your favorite lady

What is included during the dating evenings:
• You meet many sincere, serious and single Ukrainian ladies
• Group speed dating in which you will meet several ladies in a row
• Ample opportunity to start conversations with ladies and get to know them better
• You are free to invite these ladies for a 1 on 1 date
• Interpreters are available to make sure there will be no language barriers
• Music, food, and drinks

What is not included?
The remainder is not included and is for your own account. For example, think of your airline tickets, taxi rides, an interpreter at a 1 on 1 date, but also your lunches, dinners, drinks and snacks outside of the dating evenings and farewell dinner. It is, therefore, necessary to have some pocket money (from about 75 Euro) with you for expenses during your trip.

The price of purchase and payment of this organized dating trip

The total price of this fully guided dating trip is EUR 695 / USD 790 and includes VAT. You can get an early bird discount of EUR 40 / USD 46 if you book your trip at least 4 months beforehand. If you indicate you want to sleep in the same room with two persons and if this is possible, we can offer you a bonus discount of EUR 40 / USD 46 on your travel price.

Are you interested and would you like to have more information? Click then on the button below, and subsequently fill in your contact information. We will contact you then ASAP.

Are you interested? Click then here, please

Securing your place and booking your trip can be done by making a payment of 250 credits, to the value of EUR 81 / USD 89, on our website. You will automatically be sent a confirmation.

Finally, what you will experience and how you will look back at your journey

You will see the most beautiful places of Kiev, and get to know Ukraine and its culture. You will hang out with a group of like-minded men, who are looking for a Ukrainian woman, just like you, and with whom you can share your experiences and be friends.

But the most important purpose of the trip, you will meet a lot of Ukrainian women. And the opportunity exists that you will meet the woman of your dreams. If this would not happen immediately, you still have the opportunity to succeed indirectly. Because, during your trip, you will improve your dating skills thanks to the guidance of our team and the contacts you’ll have with the ladies.

You will take this home with you, and it will make you better in this. At the same time, you will start to understand what you are personally looking for in a lady and in a relationship, which will help you to make better choices and will direct you to your goals.

In summary

You will not only have a fantastical time, but it will also be an investment in yourself and in your future. In which your chances in finding a relationship will be increased both directly as indirectly.


We hope to welcome you at our dating trip.

The Dating Tour team

Founder and owner of the dating agency's and Co-author of the book, “Finding your Eastern European wife. The path to marital bliss.”

Office and tour manager in Ukraine. With many years of experience in the dating and matchmaking industry. She is known as very helpful, skilled and customer-friendly.

Office and tour manager in Ukraine. Experience in communicating with customers and giving a good service. She is qualified, social and customer-oriented.

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  • Posted 73 months ago
Здравствуйте, я зарегистрирована на вашем сайте знакомств не так давно, пока еще ни с кем не переписывалась. Я киевлянка и меня интересует вечер знакомств, как туда можно попасть и когда это состоится? Буду признательна за ответ.

Hello, I am registered on your dating site not so long ago, I have not yet corresponded with anyone. I am from Kiev and I am interested in the dating evenings, how can I get there and when will it take place? I would appreciate the answer.


  • Posted 74 months ago
Доброго времени суток, милые дамы!
Любая дама нашего агентства может прийти на нашу специально организованную фото сессию в выходные и кто хочет встретить мужчин в этой поездке. Мы хотим предложить вам возможность познакомиться друг с другом, наслаждаясь чашкой чая или кофе.
Что касается вечеров свиданий, то чем больше мужчин примут участие в поездке, тем больше женщин мы пригласим. Прежде всего, мы смотрим список фаворитов мужчин, которые принимают участие в поездке на вечера знакомств. И те женщины, которые имеют возможное совпадение с ними, тех женщин мы и приглашаем. Возраст совершенно не имеет значения! Как все мы знаем, любви все возрасты покорны) Поэтому смело добавляйте мужчин в свои фавориты, будьте активны, знакомьтесь, приглашайте мужчин на вечера знакомств и будьте уверены, что мы пригласим и вас на наш вечер знакомств, когда у вас будет возможное совпадение.

Good day, dear ladies!
Any lady from our agency is invited to come to a gathering that weekend on Saturday afternoon where you can meet the men of this dating trip. It is organized next to our specially organized photo shoot for women. We want to offer you the opportunity so that you can get acquainted with each other while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee.
About the dating evenings, the more men that take part in this trip, the more women we can invite to the dating evenings. First of all, we look at the list of favorites of men who take part in this trip and we will invite those women who have a possible match with one of them. Age doesn't matter at all! As we all know, all ages are submissive to love) Therefore feel free to add men to your favorites, be active, get acquainted, invite men to the dating evenings and be convinced that we will invite you to our dating evenings when you will have a chance on a possible match.


  • Posted 76 months ago
Здравствуйте. Когда же и для кого проводите вечера знакомств? Меня еще ни разу не приглашали....Я так понимаю, молодые в почете

Hello. When and for whom do you do dating evenings? I have never been invited .... I understand that you prefer young women


  • Posted 77 months ago
Здравтсвуйте! Я хотела бы попасть на вечер знакомств, которые проходят в Киеве! Что для этого нужно с моей стороны? Заранее благодарна, Елена.

Hello! I would like to visit the dating evening which take place in Kiev! What do I need to do for this? Thanks in advance, Elena.


  • Posted 91 months ago
Зарегистрировавшись на этом сайте, я буквально сразу начала переписку с одним очень интересным мужчиной. С каждым разом она становилась все увлекательнее, а главное в ней ощущался некий комфорт, и было очень много общих тем. Вскоре мужчина предложил мне встречу, которая намечалась на июнь, сотрудники агенства позаботились обо всем, начиная от поездки в Киев, о жилье, встрече, о переводчике. Честно, я немного волновалась, это естественное чувство) но когда все произошло, волнение ушли. Встреча была очень приятной, непринужденной. Прогулки и общение были просто замечательными. Также я посетила вечер знакомств, где царила дружеская атмосфера, красивое уютное заведение, хорошие люди, музыка, всякие вкусности. Но моё внимание было приковано к мужчине, к которому я приехала познакомиться, и его тоже) В дальнейшем мы продолжаем наше общение. Я хочу выразить искреннюю благодарность за всю проделанную работу коллективом, за возможность познакомиться с моим мужчиной, за заботу и их участие, так, как будто они это делают для себя. Я с уверенностью могу сказать, что этим людям можно доверить такое важное событие как знакомство и встречу со своей второй половинкойWink

After registering on this site I literally immediately started a correspondence with one very interesting man. Each time our communication became more and more fascinating, and the main thing in it was a certain comfort, and there were a lot of common themes. The man offered me a meeting soon, which was scheduled for June. The staff of agency took care of everything: from a trip to Kiev till a housing, a meeting and an interpreter. Honestly, I was a little worried, it's a natural feeling) but when everything happened then the excitement went away. The meeting was very pleasant and relaxed. The walking and socializing were very wonderful. Also I visited the dating evening, where was a friendly atmosphere, a beautiful cozy establishment, good people, music, all sorts of goodies. But my attention was focused on the man to whom I came to get acquainted, and his attention was focused on me) In the future we continue our communication. I want to express my sincere gratitude for all the work done by the team of agency, for the opportunity to get to know my man, for caring and for their participation, like they are doing it for themselves. I can say with confidence that these people can be entrusted with such an important event as meeting and meeting with the soul mateWink
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