First I want to mention that Ukrainian women are in general seriously looking for a relationship and they are not conceited, arrogant or spoiled. They stay who they are and they are open, kind, polite and interested. That is because most women are well brought up, are raised in sobriety and have to work hard for their existence. And there are more women than men in Ukraine. The women will be the ones who have to do more efforts to find their partners. In addition, there are many beautiful women in Ukraine. Men in Ukraine don't pay extra attention to them that is why women don't get so easily conceited or spoiled.

More serious, traditional and family orientated

There is a difference between Ukrainian ladies from the capital city Kiev and the smaller cities and villages. Though the difference is not very big. In general you can say that women from the smaller towns and villages are more serious in their search for a man. They are more traditional and family orientated. And the chance is slightly higher that women from Kiev became conceited or spoiled more quickly. But at the same time we have to make a nuance, because first of all it also depends on the lady character how she behaves. I have met in Kiev many seriously looking women and the other way round I have met also conceited and spoiled ladies in smaller towns.

Knowledge of the English language and development

Ukrainian ladies in Kiev can speak better English in general than in smaller towns and villages. So this is an advantage that women from Kiev have. They are more educated and have more capacities, because there are better jobs available in Kiev. They also have the disposal of Internet more quickly. Women from the smaller towns and villages are more traditional and family orientated than in Kiev. But here we have to make also a nuance, because many women from the smaller towns and villages are moving to Kiev for a job. Those are ladies who are raised in a smaller town and had their education there and then moved to Kiev. All standards and values they have inherited are from where they were born and raised.

Ladies in Kiev have a wider choice of foreign men

What is a difference for sure, is that women from Kiev have a wider choice of foreign men to choose from. In view of the fact that foreign men who come to visit Ukraine first arrive in Kiev on the international airport. Therefore men who are looking for a woman in Kiev can be rejected by a woman more quickly, because a woman might wait for a better partner if she has doubts. Men who will expect that every woman will choose for him, because he is a foreigner and thinks that he can offer her all that she wants, but gets rejected, that man will naturally think or mention on a forum that women from Kiev are not serious, arrogant and spoiled. But for this reason it is of course not true. You can also think that if a lady from Kiev chooses for you from all men, that this can also mean more.

The chance to find a suitable lady

According to the statistics in smaller towns and villages are relatively more women than men if you compare it with the big cities such as Kiev. But in reality in Kiev is the largest number of single women concentrated and there is the most disturbed balance between women and men. It is because it is not registered that girls from a small town go more often than province men to the metropolis, in order to continue their university education or for better employment. At the same time, it is more likely that men from Kiev go abroad to study or to work, than women from Kiev, but often those men still have Ukrainian citizenship and Kiev’s registration. Thus, in Kiev there are a lot of single women, those who were born in city, and those who came here in search for a better life and there are not so many single men. However ladies in the smaller towns and villages seem to be less choosy and demanding than women from the big city. That is why they seem to be more serious than a lady from the big city. So there is also a chance that you will find your partner in a smaller town or village. That is why I think it is good if you try your luck also there. Instead of staying only in Kiev to linger, because you don't want to travel through.

The ability of the lady to adapt herself

Of course for the lady who lived her entire live in Kiev and who loves the fast life in Kiev, that lady will of course thrive better in big cities than in the countryside. Also here some nuance, because I have seen ladies in Kiev who wants to escape the bustle of Kiev. I also think that when a lady finds her true love, it is of minor importance whether this man lives in a big city or smaller town. I think that she can adapt herself when she tries. I think the adjustments for her in terms of language, mentality, culture, a new job and friends will have more influence on her and it will play a bigger role.

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  • Posted 55 months ago
The good girl.
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