Our life is boring and uninteresting without hobbies! That's why millions of people with different tastes and abilities have hobbies. A hobby makes our life more interesting, exciting and valuable. A person devotes his or her spare time to a hobby, and sometimes a hobby turns into the main sphere of activity or business. In any case, it causes a lot of pleasure.
As for the hobbies of Ukrainian women, they have a lot of favorite things to do. Some of them collect postcards, statuettes, toys, others - autographs of famous people. There are those who like cooking and singing in the bathroom. Ukrainian women are unique all-round creatures and they manage to do a lot of things simultaneously.
Do you agree that our progressive epoch is characterized by constant nervousness, sleepless nights, home and everyday life improvement; household routines really exhaust women. Therefore, you need to have an occupation which will help you to be distracted and to forget about your problems. This is a unique relaxation which is necessary for women. And they have it!
So, let's consider the most popular hobbies of Ukrainian housewives, businesswomen and other representatives of the most beautiful half of the Ukrainian society. All hobbies of Ukrainian women can be divided into the traditional and non-traditional ones. Depending on the thematic orientation the interests and hobbies of Ukrainian women can be creative, sporting, intellectual and uncommon.
Creative hobbies
Artistic taste, abstract thinking, development of fine motor skills and just aesthetic pleasure from the process – this all describes a creative hobby of Ukrainian women. Needlework in Ukraine is very popular among women of all ages. Ukrainian women mastered the making of leather articles, braiding with beads, figurines made of coffee beans, Japanese embroidery, polymer clay articles, wool fulling.At present it is also very fashionable to embroider with beads, in cross-stitch and in satin-stitch. With the help of these techniques, Ukrainian women not only embroider pictures, decorate pillows, bags, but also create exclusive author's clothes for themselves, their near ones, and sometimes even for pets.
The most asked-for and popular creative hobbies in Ukraine are:
- needlework;
- singing and music;
- painting;
- modelling and pottery;
- art of direction and dramatics;
- participation in amateur theatrical performances and in filming;
- photo art;
- dancing;
- cooking;
- cosmetology;
- make-up design;
- fashion;
- plant growing.
Of course, it's not a complete list of creative hobbies Ukrainian women have; it is the list of the most popular and preferable interests. Creative hobbies are the most popular type of interests in Ukraine because just after spending time on creative activities a woman feels calmness and satisfaction. A woman remains happy when she realizes that the result of her work will bring joy to someone.
Furthermore, a passion to any kind of creative work helps Ukrainian women to find a lot of friends and like-minded people who can estimate the results of a laborious work at their true worth.
Sporting hobbies
This is exactly the kind of hobbies which helps a Ukrainian women to develop persistence, physical strength, endurance and excludes bad mood since it favours a release of endorphins or so-called "happiness hormone". Often the sporting hobbies are supposed to be carried out while staying for a long time in the open air and, as a rule, in a big company. This is also the main occupation for those women who popularize a healthy life-style.It should be mentioned that in Ukraine a sporting hobby for girls is very often chosen by parents at a very young age - 5-7 years and some time later in most cases it grows into a serious interest and even becomes a profession (professional sport, coach career).
At present there are many popular sporting hobbies among Ukrainian women, such as fitness, shaping, pilates, as well as water aerobics, which can be found in any fitness club that possesses a swimming pool. Sport has always helped to relieve stress and to keep up good shape. And recently in Ukraine it's not only useful to lead a healthy life-style but it's also fashionable!
Nowadays Ukrainian women have a huge range of activities to choose from. They can attend a fitness club, follow lessons at home watching special video courses, choose some kind of sport or can be limited with morning exercises. Furthermore, skating or roller skating, and cycling can be excellent hobbies. There are also extreme kinds of sports, for example, snowboarding which is also popular among some women.
So, among the most interesting sporting hobbies of modern Ukrainian women we can emphasize the following ones:
- fitness, shaping, pilates;
- horse walks and horseback riding;
- mountain biking, roller-skating, skateboarding, skating, skiing;
- parachuting;
- mountaineering and ecotourism;
- climbing, alpinism, snowboarding;
- running and jumping, including on the trampoline;
- swimming;
- team plays: volleyball, tennis, badminton;
- auto-driving.
Thus, any interests of sports make a Ukrainian woman healthy, and her body - beautiful, which, as a consequence, increases her self-appraisal. Therefore, most women in Ukraine are sporty, beautiful and self-confident!
Intellectual hobbies
Intellectual interests are good for the development of moral qualities, mental outlook, memory improvement and they are represented in a wide variety of hobbies of Ukrainian women. Perhaps, some people believe that such interests and hobbies are boring but in fact almost every Ukrainian woman feels the need to satisfy her intellectual needs, and in this case the following things can help her:- collecting;
- solving or making crosswords;
- puzzles assembling;
- story writing;
- reading;
- study of history, scientific discoveries, biographies of famous people;
- visiting of mathematical, literary, geographical study groups;
- trainings;
- study of foreign languages and foreign culture;
- archeology and astronomy.
Many of these hobbies let Ukrainian women constantly improve the level of intelligence and master previously unknown fields of knowledge. For example, writing the own poetry or reading books effectively enriches the vocabulary. In addition, as a rule intellectual hobbies don’t require material costs.
Uncommon hobbies
Uncommon hobbies are also interesting for Ukrainian women and their peculiarity consists in the fact that they became popular not long ago. Most of them are adopted from different countries of the world, in connection with which their uniqueness is emphasized by original names.Therefore, when you read about them, you can be surprised not only by the fact that such kinds of hobbies exist, but also by the names they have. The following things can be referred to the uncommon hobbies:
- patchwork, decoupage, carving, scrapbooking, postcrossing;
- flashmob or participation in a mass entertainment event at the appointed time and in the specified place;
- blogging or communications networking in order to find new friends and to share personal experiences on various issues, in other words, it's the creation and public conduct of your blog;
- soapmaking or making of genuine soap at home;
- grooming, breeding, taking part in different pet exhibitions and competitions;
- traveling to unique places of the motherland, including hitchhiking, and hiking over the impassable city routes - as an ideal option for developing your mental outlook and studying new cultures;
- shopping or a different occupation to distract from the everyday vanity because shopping, as a rule, cheers up and relieves stress;
- giving lessons to children or spending time with them playing. If a woman likes playing with children, then she can devote her spare time to it as at present this hobby is very popular. You can be an animator on children's holidays, go to the camp as a tutor and have a great time. In addition, such a hobby will bring you some income.
- design or creation of something new, interior design, inventing various furniture and accessories, making all sorts of interior accessories: coffee tables, wall clocks, lamps, lampshades, curtains.
Hobbies as a necessity!
To sum up everything stated above, we can say the following. Hobbies can be very different. Some women like drawing, others do not imagine their life without knitting, and there are those to who collecting some things comes to the foreground. Some interests require serious financial investments, while for others only the very minimum is needed.Having a popular or uncommon hobby, a Ukrainian woman gets more chances to meet like-minded people. On the other hand, regardless of the originality and popularity of a hobby, being busy with a thing she likes she certainly gets pleasure from it. However, the favorite hobby is unique, and a Ukrainian woman always stands out from the crowd with it.
A favorite hobby not only makes you happy, but also favours a harmonious development of a person.
The hobbies are a necessity for each of us because it can turn a boring everyday life into a bright one!
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