Sometimes high prices are being asked for mediation of dates with Ukrainian ladies. In that case high western prices are being charged for a mainly Ukrainian service. It is better to avoid such websites or services, because in Ukraine wages and the price level are much lower than in western countries.

Salary level

An employee in Ukraine earns an average monthly salary of 285 euros. A monthly average salary in Kiev is higher than in the rest of the country, approximately Euro 445.

Price level

The price level is also lower. The best and easy way for comparison between countries, is to look at the prices of the McDonald's. Because they are located all over the world and the product is everywhere the same. The price of a Big Mac menu is in Ukraine about Euro 3,70.
Now a few more examples. A loaf of bread costs about Euro 0,70. And a one litre bottle of water costs Euro 0,80. Public transport is very cheap throughout Ukraine. For a ticket of the metro, bus or tram you pay Euro 0,20 regardless of the duration of the ride. The prices of hotels and apartments strongly dependent on its location and quality. The price starts at about Euro 20 till over Euro 100. Prices of domestic flights can be compared with those of western countries. The costs of telephone calls within Ukraine with a local SIM card or by landline are significantly lower than in western countries.


The prices in Kiev are much higher than in the rest of Ukraine, especially in comparison to smaller cities or countryside. The prices of hotels and apartments in Kiev are similar to those of western countries. And the salaries in Kiev are also higher than in the rest of Ukraine. But overall seen the price level in Kiev is still lower than in most western cities.

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  • Posted 129 months ago
Thx for usefull info.
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