On this page, Julia and Bernard tell their success story of how they met each other through our website and agency, and how it all went. It went pretty fast, they had their first online contact in May 2017. And the first time they met each other face to face was two months later in July 2017. After their successful first meeting, they were communicating every day and they tried to meet as much as possible.
Julia: “I liked him when I saw his pictures on the site but when I met him in reality, I liked him even more. He was so attentive, kind, responsive, understanding. He was a great person!”
Bernard: “We are very open to each other and we feel very comfortable with each other. Also there’s lot of intimacy between us and emotional connection.”
How I got in contact with Bernard
I met Bernard on this site. I signed up at the end of March, started to watch men’s pictures and noticed him :))) I liked him straight away :)) At the end of April I sent him my interest but I got no reply. Then at the beginning of May, I decided to send him a message and he answered me :)) He asked me to post more pictures since at that moment I had only one photo on my profile.
Not able to video chat
We started our correspondence. Bernard invited me to meet on the video chat. As he told me, it was interesting for him to see me, but we did not have any luck to meet as constantly one of us was not able to have a meeting for this or that reason.
He knew my home town very well
While corresponding with him I learned that he had visited Mykolaiv many times which is the city where I live. He also has many friends there. Bernard was in Mykolaiv at the beginning of April but at that very moment, we did not know each other.
And then I got a phone call
I was in Poland when we started our correspondence since I work there. Bernard sent me a message saying that he would go to Ukraine and that we could meet in Poland as he was going to get to Ukraine via Poland. I did not use the site every day and for this reason, I read his message when he had already come to Ukraine. After that, I contacted Aleksandra of the agency, described the situation and left her my telephone number. And then I got a phone call – that was Bernard :)))
How it came to a meeting
We started to talk on the phone, and one day I asked him: could you take some stuff of me and bring it from Ukraine? He agreed to do :))) I gave him my mother’s telephone number. Bernard does not speak any Russian and at the same time my mother does not speak any English so Bernard asked his friend to be his interpreter to talk to my mom :)) He called her and took the things I had asked about. He has told me later that he was really worried since we even have not seen each other and he could not know what was in the packet – he did not want to have troubles because of that packet while crossing the border.
We saw each other for the first time
The time for his return to the Netherlands came and we had to meet. He came to Poland to the place where I work. I have just finished my working day. It was the first time we saw each other. We went to a restaurant to have dinner. I saw he was tired since he had spent too much time traveling and still had to go to the Netherlands.
I liked him even more
We had a long conversation. As if it was not our first meeting. As if we got acquainted long time ago. I liked him when I saw his pictures on the site but when I met him in reality, I liked him even more. He was so attentive, kind, responsive, understanding. He was a great person! We went for a walk after dinner, I showed him the city where I live and work in. After that, he took me home and he went to the hotel to have some rest for a couple of hours.
How it continued
We were communicating every day. One month later Bernard told me he would come to me. A month later we met. Since that time we have been having a tradition: one time per month during the weekend he visits me in Poland. We will celebrate Christmas together. He will spend about a week with me.

And now the story of Bernard:
What are your previous experiences with dating abroad?
Before I had my successful date with Julia, I only had 1 date in Ukraine, in the city Nikolaev, via Ronald’s site, but it didn’t work out. It was not needed to date as I worked in Ukraine and have many friends there who introduced me to other friends, so in reality a meeting with someone was a date.
Only one woman named Julia did take action on Dating Women Ukraine to know me, and wrote me first. I did not take action on the website, because I can meet as many women as I like in Ukraine myself, as I come there often.
How did it come to the first real meeting with Julia?
It was crazy, because we never met in a video chat, so I could not see her in reality, but we wrote messages. One time I was in her hometown Nikolaev and she asked me to go to her mother and take some things to Poland, because Julia worked already in Poland and I was with my car in Ukraine. I decided to bring her the package that she asked for. I was a little bit scared what was in the package, because I did not know her.
What was your first impression of Julia?
First impression was good. A simple woman and she has beautiful hair.
How was your first meeting with Julia?
We went to a restaurant, we ordered pizza. I was very tired, because I drove straight from Nikolaev to Czestochowa. We had a good communication and no high expectations of each other. We talked a lot and walked near Jasna Gora, it’s a famous church, from the Black Madonna. It also helped that she speaks English.
How did it continue after the first meeting?
We see each other one time per month and we speak a lot via Viber. We share our things in life what we do, when we are not together. I have my life in Holland and she lives and works in Poland.
What makes Julia so special for you?
She is a simple woman, with no high expectation. Very warm and an easy understanding.
What connects you to each other?
We are very open to each other and we feel very comfortable with each other. Also there’s lot of intimacy between us and emotional connection.
What are your plans for the future?
For now we try to see each other a lot when it is possible, but in the future we will take bigger steps.
What does Dating Women Ukraine mean for you?
I know personally the owner of Dating Women Ukraine, and I gave him tips also of Ukraine, as I worked and lived in Ukraine. And my journey started in 2009 to find someone who is my other half.
I did not expect I would meet a woman on his site. I would like to give some advice to men. Take your time and be serious if you want to meet a good woman from Ukraine. Do not have high expectations in finding your other half and always be yourself.
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