We are getting more questions all the time from people wanting to learn more about online dating with women in Eastern Europe. This started us thinking and we came up with the idea to organize a workshop to help answer all the inquiries. The workshop will give a detailed explanation about writing and meeting women in Ukraine, Russia and other Eastern European countries.
Discussions will include:
• Cultural differences
• Similarities with Eastern European women and what motivates them
• Misunderstandings that have arose from US marketing
• Differentiating from seedy businesses
• Explanations about the phenomenon of professional daters
• Ways to increase my chances
• Pitfalls that you may experience
• And much more!
This workshop will be entirely dedicated to "writing and meeting women in Eastern Europe." It is normal to experience stumbling blocks and have questions along the way. We will help guide you through them as you progress through the process.
Questions to be answered:
• How do I find an honest dating agency?
• How do I start the interaction?
• Is my profile standing out amongst the thousands of profiles of other men?
• Is it really true that there are many women out there who are looking for someone like me?
• How do I know if the woman with whom I am writing is really looking for love?
• How do I get to the next level and have a face-to-face encounter?
• How do I know if I am really writing with the lady actually pictured?
• What are "professional daters” and how do I avoid these people?
• How do I recognize the shady companies who are only in it for the money?
• How do I take the next step if everything is clicking through written correspondence?
• Is it safe to travel to the country of the women I am interested in meeting?
• How do I know if the relationship is meaningful enough to make a trip?
• What should I expect from taking a trip to meet a woman I have met online?
• What differences are there between Eastern European women and Western women?
• What kind of cultural differences may prevent a relationship from being successful?
• Lots of other important issues will be discussed.
Who will offer the workshop?Ronald Jutte - Founder and owner of Dating Women Ukraine and Dating Russian Ladies. Co-author of the book, "Finding your Eastern European wife. The path to marital bliss." Since 2004 I gained experience in dating Eastern European women, and have visited Eastern Europe several times each year. My experience helped me to start my own dating agency in 2011 to prevent men from online dating scams. Initially, it began by collaborating with marriage agencies. From 2013 it became an autonomous and independent dating agency. My dating experience allows me to give knowledgeable information and advice to those using dating services.
Rienk Bauritius – The head coach of School of Seduction, a company that offers education in the field of "intimate social skills." Rienk is a specialist in social interaction, and is trained in the art of seduction. He has several years of international experience as a dating and relationship coach providing international trainings, master classes, workshops and tours. He has been immersed in the world of international Internet relationship agencies and he has gained a lot of experience, both positive and negative, with lots of the websites that you can find out there. His trips to Ukraine helped him to establish contacts with owners of dating agencies and also with meeting lots of women.
We look forward to sharing our valuable experiences and findings with you. How would it make you feel asking all your questions with people who can actually answer them truthfully based on their own experiences?
We will also try to make a live connection with our representatives in Eastern Europe. This will help you learn more about the process and get some important dating tips. They may give you interesting insights that can be seen from the perspective of the Ukrainian and Russian woman.
Where will the workshop take place?
The workshop will be given online in the form of a webinar. Participants receive pertinent information a couple of days in advance.
How can I participate in this Workshop?
We will organize another workshop as soon as we have enough reservations. You can make your reservation by clicking on THIS LINK. Once we have enough reservations, we will personally inform you and invite you to this workshop. So it is important to make your reservation, so you won’t miss this opportunity.
The cost of participation is just € 29,95. The workshop will be given in English. Please don’t miss out on this opportunity as it really has a big payoff.
You want to get the most benefits when searching for a suitable wife. This informative dating workshop is a new opportunity that will provide valuable information you won’t want to miss out on. I honestly wish I had the chance myself to attend such a workshop before I started my quest.
If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please feel free to contact me through the ‘Contact us’ page or calling me at the phone number, +31 6 33 01 07 65. We will do our best to answer you as soon as possible.
Just CLICK HERE to make your reservation.
We look forward to see you at this valuable workshop.
Please put your comment below
We invite men to post a comment below. It would be very nice if men who participated in our workshop will share their experiences. Other men may respond and ask questions.
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I went to a workshop in the Netherlands.
I'm from belgium
Is not at the door, but because I've had several bad experience.
I first wanted to look a little further and I was filled with mistrust.
but it was afterwards proved unnecessary
I had better previously found the site. it was me save a lot of time and money.
time sure
As told earlier, I can only agree.
Ronald and Rienk were good and honest about
They have asked questions and answered my questions
They have also given lots of info
which I must admit I had not thought about it
I have already signed up to the site www.datingwomenukraine.com
The women with whom I have had contact are serious and honest
For people who are seriously looking for the true
I can only recommend the site
With many greetings from Bruges (Belgium) Gino
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