Wie viele andere Männer bin auch ich schon seit längerem auf der Suche nach einer Lebenspartnerin aus dem Ausland. Dies liegt daran, dass es hier daheim sehr schwierig für mich ist, eine passende Frau zu finden. Seit dem Jahr 2005 bin ich bereits auf der Suche nach meiner „Seelenverwandten“ in Osteuropa, hauptsächlich in der Ukraine. Zu diesem Zweck bin ich durchschnittlich dreimal im Jahr in der Ukraine zu Besuch gewesen. Davon abgesehen habe ich auch Russland und Moldawien bereits dreimal besucht. Meine Suche führte mich zudem auf diverse Webseiten und zu einer Vielzahl an Agenturen... und in der Tat habe ich während meiner Suche eine Menge Frauen kennengelernt.

Ich frage mich, warum ich sie noch nicht gefunden habe

Obgleich ich viele nette Bekanntschaften gemacht habe und auch einige kurze Beziehungen hatte, habe ich mich immer wieder gefragt, warum ich trotz jahrelanger Suche noch immer nicht die richtige Frau für mich gefunden habe. Letzten Endes kam ich zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass es - trotz ernsthaft suchenden Damen und seriösen Agenturen - daran gelegen hat, dass einfach keine geeignete Vermittlung statt gefunden hat. Vielleicht gab es am Anfang die ein oder andere Übereinstimmung, doch aufgrund von unvorhersehbaren Umständen oder diversen Unterschieden stellte sich die Dame dann letzten Endes doch nicht als „die Richtige“ heraus. Eine andere Erklärung mag sein, dass ich etwaige Chancen auf meinem Weg vielleicht auch einfach nicht genug wahrgenommen habe.

Manchmal hatte es jedoch auch den Anschein, dass die Dienstleistungen, bzw. der Service der Agentur einfach nicht gut genug war. Der Mangel an Unterstützung führte zu Missverständnissen, die auf kulturellen Unterschieden und anderem basierten. Leider muss ich sagen, dass bei genauerer Betrachtung in recht vielen Fällen, weder die Agentur, noch die Damen ehrenwerte Motive verfolgten. Es ging ihnen leider ausschließlich um finanzielle Vorteile.

Kostenlose soziale Netzwerke- und Dating-Webseiten

Die Erfahrung, die ich obendrein auf kostenfreien Webseiten mit sozialen Netzwerken oder Dating-Webseiten gemacht habe, war ebenfalls nicht sehr angenehm. Eine geeignete Frau zu finden ist schwierig und erfordert viel Zeit. Obgleich man auf diesen Seiten durchaus eine gute Frau finden kann, benötigt man vorab Erfahrung mit dieser Art von Webseiten. Doch auch mit Erfahrung (und einem Quäntchen Glück) ist dies immer noch ein riskantes Unterfangen. So tummeln sich dort leider eine Menge Profile mit falschen Angaben. Man muss sich stets fragen, ob man auch wirklich mit der Person zu tun hat, die derjenige vorgibt zu sein. Mehr als einmal musste ich die Erfahrung machen, dass dies dem nicht so war. Ich hatte zwar endlich eine Frau gefunden, doch leider war sie nur an meinem Geld interessiert. Bei diesen Seiten handelt es sich in der Regel um kostenfreie Dienste: Am Ende zahlt man jedoch drauf!

In vielen Fällen merkt man es erst, wenn es bereits zu spät ist. Manchmal wird man sich schnell bewusst, dass etwas nicht stimmt – in anderen Situationen ist dies leider nicht so offensichtlich. Letzten Endes wird man in manchem Fall nie so ganz sagen könnten, ob die Beziehung nun reell war oder nicht.

Bieten Sie eine Alternative

Es war mein inständiges Anliegen, etwas gegen unfaire Geschäftspraktiken zu unternehmen, da niemand – egal ob Organisation oder Behörde – etwas dagegen unternehmen will oder kann. Es stellt sich für mich einfach als beste Lösung dar, eine Alternative zu diese unfairen und betrügerischen Anbietern zu offerieren. Schließlich geben weder Männer noch Frauen, die auf der Suche nach ihrer zweiten Hälfte sind, gleich nach der ersten Enttäuschung auf. Sie begeben sich auch weiterhin im Ausland auf die Suche und zwar solange, bis sie endlich Erfolg haben.

Ich habe meine eigene Dating Agentur und Webseite ins Leben gerufen, weil ich eine aufrichtige Dienstleistung anbieten wollte. Die bei uns auf der Webseite registrierten Damen sind in der Tat auf der Suche nach einer ernsthaften Beziehung und unsere Agentur bietet einen großartigen Vermittlungsservice. Dies eröffnet Ihnen eine reelle Chance auf Ihr passendes Gegenstück.

Einblick in die Dating-Szene in Osteuropa

Registrieren Sie sich für unseren Newsletter! Ich gebe Ihnen auf diesem Weg gerne mehr Informationen zu diesem Thema und teile Ihnen meine Erfahrung, vom Anfang meiner Suche im Ausland bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt, mit. Durch diese Insider-Informationen erhalten Sie einen besseren Einblick in die Dating-Szene in Osteuropa. Ich hoffe inständig, dass ich allen Männern und ukrainischen Frauen bei der Suche nach einen Lebenspartner behilflich sein kann.

Ronald Jutte

Lesen Sie mehr Neuigkeiten aus der Kategorie: Erfahrungen


Admin - Agency

  • Gepostet 79 vor Monaten
Thank you very much Charles for your support and kind words about our agency. I appreciate it very much and it's a big compliment.

I want to react also on the comment of Niels. I appreciate you relate yourself to my story and I understand you point it to others, but you end with the suggestion that we are most likely the same as the fraudulent sites and agencies out there, because they all need to earn money, but that is not true and not fair. Therefore I react now because I think people should get the real story of how it is like and we need to help people with it. Your intention is good I think and in general I agree with it, but I think there are made some crucial thinking mistakes that I want to correct now.

In it is written about international dating agencies and local sub agencies. I tell about this and other things also every time to people to warn them. It is because I have experienced it myself in the last decade, and that is why I started my own agency at some point to offer an alternative. So we are not the same like them. We do not work with sub agencies. We are an independent agency. We created our own database of members and we have our own team of employees working in Ukraine. We do this and other things to create a safe website.

In addition, we have an interview with every woman who registers on our site, so we know they are all real. And we have on our site only women who look for a serious relationship and they do not get paid to be on our site.

Since we started and up to now, my income doesn’t depend on the dating agency, because I do this next to my job. So we are also financially independend. So far it is more like a hobby and it costs money, but we do it to help people to find their partner, so we have only honest intentions. Although there is nothing wrong with making money for a company. It is a normal thing and like any other company it is needed to pay the bills.

I tell also often to men that it is important to have realistic views and expectations. On our site almost all women look for a serious relationship. And men sometimes do not take any initiative and I wonder why. And sometimes only when a gorgeous woman and much younger than him is writing him, then he reacts. But this happens not so often on our site, because it is a bit unusual considering the age difference and traditionally women are waiting for a man to take action. But on other sites it is often like this, but those are professional daters and you get the practices that are described in the other comment.

The chances are huge to find a partner on our site, but then you need to have realistic expectations. You must not look only what you can get, but you must look also what you can offer. And then I do not mean only money like many men think. A woman prefers also to find for herself an attractive partner, who is not too old for her, who most likely wants to create a family together, who treats her well and she wants just the basic needs that you can ask for in a relationship.

I agree that on other sites it is mostly not safe. But men must take also their own responsibility and not only accuse them. Because I see sometimes that men have no realistic views and want to get a perfect model. And sometimes he is not matching at all with her and he doesn't see this himself. These men get always in problems and will get for sure the feeling that he cannot find her and then he accuses them that they are not real or sincere. But in such cases it will be inevitable that you will come across these things, because there are many unsafe websites out there, where these things happen regularly.

We do not want to scare people, but we want to tell the truth about these things that occurs a lot on other sites and we want to inform men about it. Our aim is to help people to find their soul mate. We hope that many loving couples will emerge through our site.


  • Gepostet 79 vor Monaten
At 65 I am one of the more senior guests on this dating site. Ronald’s dating site without question is the best. My wife of 22 years, who was originally from Rivne, Ukraine and whom I met via a dating “agency” right after the collapse of the Soviet Union, passed away a couple of years ago. Soon afterwards I signed up with several of the big international sites, but quickly understood that they were full of professional daters whose only interest was in making money. That is when I was introduced to this/Ronald's dating website. As my late wife was more than 15 years my junior and we got along great as soulmates, I have not been interested in meeting ladies my own age. The problem I have found is that the younger women that do respond to my approaches do so in my opinion, not to have a serious relationship with me, possibly leading to marriage, but to have fun, joke and play games, and it is very disconcerting. On the other hand one of biggest problems with the older women is that they have children that have already left the nest and have families of their own, and in my opinion that is a recipe for trouble. Again, in my opinion, if you happen to marry an older lady and she has 2 or 3 kids who have a couple of grand kids apiece of their own and they live overseas much of your new lady’s attention will be focused back over in Ukraine, where the bulk of her family and memories exist. With the younger ladies, if you help them raise their children you are right in the middle of that family. I know all about it, as I adopted my late wife’s 4 year old daughter who is now a beautiful 28 year old nurse in America with a son/my grandson who is one of the bright lights in my life! I just wanted you older guys to see the light as I have experienced it. In my case even if I don’t find another soulmate I already have 2 beautiful daughters and a grandson to live my life for and enjoy, so I am not going to force the issue, if I am not able to meet the right lady! However, the process of searching is fun, and for those of you who are registered with Ronald not only on his Ukrainian site, but also on his Russian dating site, best of luck, as you are on the best dating site anywhere!!
Sincerely, Charles


  • Gepostet 79 vor Monaten

I've read the article: Experiences from dating in Eastern Europe and can only agree to the examples mentioned in the article about the widespread fraudulence. I have myself searched for a wife in Ukraine or Moldova since 2013. Also I have experienced the frustration over what I thought was true and sincere profiles but later turn out to be lying and fraudulence.
It will probably be a good idea being aware that only about 10% of all women in agencies' catalogues are true and sincere. About 90% of all women do not search for a man, are already in relationship, or write letters on commission basis for the local Agency. For each letter a man pay to read, they are paid commission. Many women also use dating sites for leisure chat or game play.
But I'm also aware that I several times have had contact with true and sincere women, but due to my bad experiences, I've terminated the relation too fast as soon I find some irregularity because of my bad experiences with local agencies.
Personally, I do not think the big international agencies are the biggest culprits - no
It's the local sub agencies that make the fraudulent profiles and with creativity create the local female profiles outside the International agencies control.
Beware - the International agencies are not innocents but are aware what is going on but they hide their responsibility about what is going on by the fact that the local agencies are independent businesses for which they are not responsible.
Since the Local Agencies, for examples are registered as Ukrainian, the authorities can not touch the International Agencies, which are typically registered in Ireland, Hawaii or North America. - and they do not commit criminal acts others than stilting to accept crime.
Left is the perception of whether all online agencies are fraudulent - including this site - this must depend on the individual's own assessment: Only the situation is that once it was a good business for the few, now it has become a billion business with too many actors. This means that some must die and in the struggle for survival, everyone uses both faire and unfair tricks and no one can say: Not me - probably also not this site!

Admin - Agency

  • Gepostet 127 vor Monaten
Thank you for asking me. I will send my personal opinion to you by email, so that you will receive all the information that I can tell. General information you can also read in our newsletters. Ronald


  • Gepostet 127 vor Monaten
What is your personal opinion about some dating websites that I can give. The truth is that I doubt the veracity but would like a more professional and experienced opinion as yours. regards
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